Webinar: Art Portrait Photography - Theory
Webinar: Art Portrait Photography - Theory
Ab 4,32 EUR
Webinar: Art Portrait Photography - Theory, 19 Nov 2020 (8pm CET/2pm EST)
My webinars series consists of two parts:
Part 1: Theory (19 Nov 2020) (€5)
- I will explain all the theory I apply: the importance of light and shadow, my preparation to find locations, dresses, models, etc. Then I will explain the flash theory, modifiers, camera and flash settings.
Part 2: Editing (26 Nov 2020) (€10)
- I will show you in live step by step how I edit my photos in Photoshop to produce dramatic effects. The steps will be still useful even if you use other post-processing software than Photoshop.
The webinar will last for approximately 1:30 hours, starting with my explanation on a specific topic and followed by Q&A.
It will be delivered using Zoom application. The link will be sent to the participants via email. The recording of the webinar will be available for participants for one week.
The recordings of the previous webinars with more in-depth explanation are also available for purchase. The length of each recording is approximately 1:15 – 1:30 hours. Payment via PayPal to ‘ninditoh@gmail.com’ or Revolut. You can buy the whole bundle for €30.
1. Chiaroscuro: Light and Shadow. €5
2. Preparation: Studio, Indoor, Outdoor; Dresses, Locations, Models. €5
3. Flash theory and modifiers. Flash or no flash. €5
4. Camera and flash settings. High-speed sync, small aperture, focal length. €5
5. Post-processing for Art Portraits. €10
Haryo Nindito
My Instagram: @haryonindito
My Facebook page: Haryo Nindito Art Portrait Photography
Online, Worldwide (CET)
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Webinar: Art Portrait Photography - Theory
Ab 4,32 EUR